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Yashica ML 35mm f2.8


Filter Size
Lens Mount
Aperture Range
Close Focus
Macro Ratio
Year Introduced
Tested with


f2.8 - f16
T2i & Eos 6D

The ML 35mm f2.8 looks and feels like a Contax lens. Focus is smooth with strong dampening. Aperture clicks are positive but not aggressive. On the T2i it handles very well. Lens characteristics are consistent through all apertures and focal ranges. Contrast is excellent. Color rendition is superb. Fringing can only be seen at 100% crop in minimal amounts. Vignetting can be seen at f2.8 with a minor distortion. F2.8 is very usable. F4 improves contrast and f5.6 is tack sharp. Black and white tonality is excellent. Bokeh fringing tests show some color shifting which actually increase at f4 as contrast increases. At f5.6 it begins to correct.

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