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Minolta MC Rokkor-X PF 50mm f1.7



I have several copies of this lens for matching with Minolta bodies. It was Minolta's standard kit lens. It is made well, just like most other Rokkors. Focus dampening is perfectly balanced. Aperture clicks at half stops from f2.8 through f16. This lens balances well on my Eos M3. Focusing is quite easy through the finder. At f1.7 it is sharp as long as you don't shoot at minimum distance. Once you back up a foot it tightens up nicely. At f2.8 & up it is tack sharp at all distances. Contrast is excellent through the entire range. Bright backlight will cause some color shifting and bokeh fringing at certain angles. Purple fringing is well controlled. Color renditiion leans toward the warm side. Bokeh has a natural feel at wide apertures. Bokeh fringing is present at f1.7 but gone by f4. This lens regularly sells for less than $50 and that makes it a great value. Just don't expect it to be as good as a 58mm f1.4.

Filter Size
Lens Mount
Aperture Range
Close Focus
Macro Ratio
Year Introduced
Tested with

Minolta SR
f3.5 - 22
.5 meters
Eos M3

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