Nikkor AF 35-70mm f3.3-4.5
Filter Size
Lens Mount
Aperture Range
Close Focus
Macro Ratio
Year Introduced
Tested with
Nikon AF
f3.3 - f22
.35 meters
Eos 6D
Back in the 90's this was the standard kit lens for N5005 and N6006. It is an Ais AF design which uses a screw drive AF. I used one on my N6006 and always got good results. This lens has been forgotten until recently because it's range doesn't make much sense on a sub frame D-Slr, but now that full frame bodies are becoming more popular and affordable, it has found new life on the used market. Is it a good lens? Yes. I tested my copy on my Eos 6D with a Nikon to Eos adapter. You can see from the pics below that it can produce sharp images. All of my test shots were sharp at all focal lengths and apertures. The weakest performance was at 35mm wide open, but it is still good enough. Contrast is good. Color rendition is spot on. Saturation is pleasing. Distortion can be seen at 35mm. Bokeh is a bit busy and that is typical of zoom lenses. A swirl effect can be seen when shooting close range at 35mm. Fringing can be seen in harshly lit shots if you are pixel peeping, but it can be corrected. Bokeh fringing is quite noticeable. This was a very good walk around lens in the 90's and it remains so today. While it doesn't have the versatility of the AF Nikkor 28-85mm, it does offer excellent image quality in a reasonably low price range.