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Minolta Auto Rokkor 58mm f1.4 PF



This lens is an early, single-coated version of the popular MC Rokkor PF 58mm f1.4. This particular model has a stop down lever at the base of the lens. It is all metal and glass and does weigh more than the average standard prime. Aperture clicks in full stops. There are 8 aperture blades which form a near circular diaphragm. Because of this 8 blade design the bokeh from this lens is quite pleasing. The focus throw is quite long at 3/4 of a turn. Close focus is a reasonable 2 feet. I tested it on my Eos M3. It is a bit front heavy. At f1.4 it is soft. F2 tightens up enough to notice and f4 produces sharp imaages. I suspect that it will perform better on a full frame body. Contrast is quite high above f1.4. In fact, many shooters will choose to reduce contrast in post processing. Color rendition is cool but separation is good. Saturation is accurate. Bokeh is very smooth wide open and quite good at smaller apertures, too. Typical of Minolta, bokeh fringing is apparent but minor wide open and disappears quickly as you stop down. Fringing and dispersion is noticeeble at f1.4. Bokeh fringing is also noticeable wide open. Pics shot with this lens do have a wonderful character and a dreamy feel even when they are not tack sharp. This is an excellent portrait lens.

Filter Size
Lens Mount
Aperture Range
Close Focus
Macro Ratio
Year Introduced
Tested with

Minolta SR
f1.4 - 16
.6 meters
Eos M3

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