Vivitar 28mm f2
Filter Size
Lens Mount
Aperture Range
Close Focus
Macro Ratio
Year Introduced
Tested with
f2 - f16 half clicks
Eos M3
This lens has a good reputation. It was made by Kiron and made well. My test lens has a Minolta MD mount. It handled well on the Eos M3 even though there was a little play in the adapter. Focusing was not an issue except for the normal difficulties with wide angles. The lens is f2-f16 with half stops. It's not too big or too heavy on a mirrorless body. This lens is what I would expect from Kiron. It is soft at f2 but tightens up at f2.8 w/ improved contrast. At f3.5 it is sharp. At f5.6-f8 it is stellar, except for flare. Most of this lens' faults happen at f2. Fringing, clipping in highlights, low contrast and diffusion happen at f2. There is one fault that happens at all apertures and it is flare. Bokeh fringinging is well controlled but can be seen at f2. Flare is an issue. Don't leave the house w/out a lens ood and don't shoot toward the sun. Distortion is well controlled. This is a good standard lens on a sub frame body. B/W looks very good from this lens. Colors are slightly subdued, a bit bluish and the high contrast of the lens steals detail from shadows. Kiron is very much like Nikon in many ways.
Overall, this is a very good lens. It does suffer from flare but most 28mm's do. At f2.8 is very sharp. It makes a good normal lens for mirrorless bodies.